Unity Day - Wear Orange


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Bully Prevention Month

Unity Day - Wednesday, October 10, 2012 Make it orange and make it end! Unity against bullying!

Unity against bullying! Make it orange and make it end! 

What are your true colors when it comes to bullying? If you care about students who are bullied and want bullying to end, make your color ORANGE on Unity Day, Wednesday, October 10. That’s the day everyone can link together—in schools, communities and online—and send one large, ORANGE message of support to students who have experienced bullying. Then, continue to wear an ORANGE wrist bracelet through the rest of the month.

6pm - Chetco Public Library - October 10 - Join us for a viewing of an ABC Primetime special "Cyber-Bullyinjg". Everyone knows that adolescence is tough, but with the advance of technology, teenagers today are redefining what's fair in love and war on the social battlefield. Join us for a viewing of an ABC Primetime special on Cyber-Bullying as Diane Sawyer reports on how cell phones, digital cameras and personal websites combine in new ways that seems to encourage and amplify the meanness of teenage behavior. From invading privacy and spreading gossip to humiliating one another, some teens have reached new heights of ruthlessness. An open discussion will follow. Come support our children by signing a pledge against bullying and receive an orange wrist band free signifying your commitment.

Promote the event online

“Attend” and “Share” the UNITY DAY Facebook Event with family and friends

Promote the event at your school

Print the informational flyer

Bring this to your school and talk with your teacher, guidance counselor, or principal and ask if your school can participate.

Ways to Unite on Oct. 10

In your school or community:

1. Wear the color orange.

2. Hold a classroom discussion to define the word "Unity".

3. Write the word “UNITY” on your hand, on your notebook, or create a banner to sign.

4. Print a “poster” (English or Spanish) and post it in your locker or school hallway.

5. Set up a “unity” table. Hand out ORANGE "unity" yarn bracelets.

To create your own bracelets, purchase a skein of orange yarn. Cut them into 8 to 10" pieces.


1. “Attend” and “Share” the UNITY DAY Facebook Event with family and friends

2. Update your Facebook status to “UNITY DAY, October 10th— Join the movement to make it orange and make it end! If you are being bullied, you are not alone. Unite and be a champion against bullying!

3. Post pictures of anyone wearing orange to the UNITY DAY Facebook Event page.

4. Sign “The End of Bullying Begins With You” Petition.

5. Do the Unity Dance on October 26. Take it to other schools.

Share Your Talents

What are other ways to show your support? Are you into photography? Take a picture that is symbolic of UNITY. Are you a writer? Tell a story that illustrates UNITY. Are you a dancer? Create steps for a UNITY DANCE. Do you like to draw? Create a picture showing UNITY. The important thing is to show your support and to do it in a way that fits you!

Additional Information on:

Information on Bullying
Videos created by students
Locating School Bully Zones - http://bit.ly/QD0mq2
Student's Bully Prevention Pledge - Electronic or printable
Free Bookmark Program
Bully Prevention Pledge for Students
Have a Unity Dance on October 26th
Sign a petition against bullying:
Grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade Click on http://bit.ly/QGX1rU), then click on "Sign the Petition" then "Sign me up" and fill out the form
Grades 6th through 12th: Click on
http://bit.ly/QGWVR8 then click on "Sign the Petition" then "Sign me up" and fill out the form.

Online electronic surveys - Fill one out. Each survey helps the adults in our community better understand what you experience at school. Surveys are confidential and only take about 5 minutes.

Have you been bullied?
Have you seen bullying?

Source: www.pacer.org/bullying/bpm/unity-day.asp

©2007-2023, www.TheCitizensWhoCare.org/bpm/unityday.html or http://bit.ly/SIBN0p