Be a UpStander not just a Bystander

What is the definition of a bully? Someone who, either alone or with the help of others, using actions or words, hurts another person who cannot, because of physical or social reasons, defend herself or himself.

What can I, as an individual, do to stop the bullying in my school? Not laugh at jokes that make fun of other people. Go out of my way to be nice to the person being ostracized.

What can my classmates do as a group to stop bullying in our school? Declare every bully a persona non grata. Everyone wants to be popular. If kids know that teasing or ostracizing a classmate will cause their own popularity to plunge, no one would be willing to pay the social price of picking on others.

A person who bullies isn’t always “the other kid.” Sometimes, it might be… you! Before you say “No way!” think about it. Have you ever heard yourself saying – or thinking – things like:

Do you recognize any of the signs? Kids bully for a lot of reasons. It might be because of:

If you think this might be you, talk with an adult. Seriously, they can help. If the first adult you talk with isn’t helpful, talk to someone else until you find one who will listen. You have that right!