Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 5:30 P.M.
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Shall develop and recommend to the Board of Commissioners,
plans to provide for and influence awareness and prevention of suicide attempts.

1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Welcome
3. Introductions - Confirm those members present and that a quorum of nine (9) has been met.
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes
6. Public Comment
* Members of the public may address the Council regarding a matter on the agenda. You may be asked to hold your comments until the Council takes up the matter. Please limit comments to three minutes or less.
7. Old Business

a. Let's Talk - May - Mental Health Month. (Policy regarding "Calling in Well")
1) Overall Mental Health article, Letter to the Editor, PSA, Proclamation (?)
2) Speaker to give 3 minute lived experience with overall mental health at BOCs 3rd Wednesday of each month - Next meeting April 15th, 9:00 am, Board of Commissioner's Chambers, Gold Beach

b. Finalize Council Vision, Mission, Core Values, Purpose, and Role
c. Rank and Establish Council Goal Priorities

1) Long Term (2021+) Rank importance
2) Short Term (2020)
Low-Hanging Fruit (now)
a.) What the Council can do NOW to address the suicidal reaction by at-risk Curry County citizens to the loss of jobs, closed schools, and potential infection from COVID-19
1) As many people struggle with stress and anxiety during the COVID-19 crisis, suicide prevention skills are more needed than ever. At the same time, many in the suicide prevention field—from charities to community workshop trainers—are struggling financially. Direct funding is available for any Council member who is interested in taking a 90 minute on-line course called Livingworks Start
2) Inquire ways to fund citizens to take on-line training in QPR ($30) and possible Mental Aid First Aid, ASIST, etc
3) Inquire about ways to fund educators to take on-line training in QPR, Student Mental Health First Aid, ASIST, Kognito, Response
4) Determine the opportunity for grants to develop Council programs, materials and implelmentation.
5) Develop reminder articles, PSA, flyers and placement to public, medical and behavioral staff, ER, First Responders, etc. about various aspects of suicidal identification
1. Develop location list for placement of (1) general flyers, (2)  homeless flyers, (3) Other TBD

6) When in-school classes reopen, inquire ways to fund student youth populations in Signs of Suicide and Sources of Strength

b.) Develop behavioral health Community resiliency strategies

1. Develop localized “toolkits” and referral tools?

c.) Ask specific communities (Elders, gender spectrum positive, tribal, youth, veterans, etc.) to develop a list of at-risk situations for their community

1. Develop questionnaires for each specific community (Elders, gender spectrum positive, tribal, youth, veterans, etc.) on what they think will work to reduce risk factors

d.) Open letter to Clinicians

d. Rank and Establish Each Stakeholder's Goal Priorities (As determined by the Stakeholder Task Group) Report when ready.

a. Stakeholders determine what goals they have in common with other stakeholders and those goals should be moved up on their individual lists.

1) Long Term (2021+)
2) Short Term (2020)
3) Low-Hanging Fruit (now)

8. New Business

a. Table at the Veterans Stand Down, June 16, 2020, 10a-2p, Brookings-Harbor High School football field
1) Consider development of a survey to be given at this and any other appropriate tabeling events the Council may participate in. (Azalea Festival, Curry County Fair, any other events in the county?)
2) Design a
Council logo
3) Is there value in having a Facebook page or any other social media? If so, is someone interested in creating and administering it for the Council?

9. Community Partner Updates
10. Crit/self crit
11. Next Meeting Date and Agenda Items

a. May 6, 2020, 5:30 Sharp. Location depends of Covid-19 restrictions. Options: Small Meeting Room, Curry Public Library, 94341 3rd St, Gold Beach, OR or Vidio conferencing similar to the April 1 meeting

12. Adjourn

If you are a Council member and cannot attend the meeting, please let Secretary Costa, Vice Chair Piper, or Chair Clay know at least 24 hours in advance.

All SAPC meetings are held in accessible locations. Auxiliary aids will be provided upon request with 48 hours advance notification. Please call 541-247-3296 if you have questions regarding this notice

Statutory Authorization Ordinance 19-12

Note: All meeting dates remain the same but will be video conferencie until further notice. 4/1, 5/6, 6/3, 7/1, 8/5, 9/2, 10/7, 11/4, 12/2, 1/6/21

More information at or