Trend Analysis
Methodology The odd years have a statewide inclusion of more schools and the Even years has a smaller,select group of school districts producing dramatic but consistent fluctuations in the year to year data. Even years produce higher numbers, sometimes 100% higher than Odd years on identical questions. (See Exhibit I) or While not perfect, I believe that there is a way to show a year-to-year trend. The specific questions I use in five categories don't change year-to-year, 1. Create an odd year chart (Exhibit II) or showing the percent change from the previous odd year (two years prior). The red shows when the number is greater that the previous two-year survey period. 2. Create an even year chart (Exhibit III) or showing the percent change from the previous even year (two years prior). The red indicates when the number is greater that the previous two-year survey. 3. Combine the percentage changes into one chart (Exhibit IV) or to find the trend. This is particularly evident in Suicidally. Regardless of the year and the methodology, the red shows a continuing increase in suicidality for Oregon's 6th, 8th and 11th graders, a disturbing trend. I hope you find this useful. If you're interested in keeping up on the information, abstracts, reports, stories and trainings on the issue of suicide prevention, check out Suicide-Watch, a free monthly email developed by the folks at The email goes out on the first of every month. Click on any time from the current, updated report