Pride Surveys
Pride Survey research also shows the positive effects of pro-social behavior on grades. For example, students who never use drugs are six times more likely to make good grades than students who use drugs frequently. These are two reasons why schools use Pride Survey data to chart a course to greater academic achievement. Pride Surveys collects reliable and valid data from students, parents and school faculty/staff, giving you a data-rich context for adolescent development. Since 1982 they have conducted more than 68,000 school building level surveys in all 50 states. Their easy-to-use surveys meet the 2013 Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities requirement that programs be based on an assessment of objective data. They are consistent with the Uniform Data Set recently issued by the U.S. Department of Education as required by Federal law.
How Curry County Ranked - Oregon Student Wellness Surveys - 2014 vs 2016 How Curry County Ranked - Oregon Healthy Teen Surveys - 2013 vs 2015 Oregon Student Wellness Survey 2010 through 2016 - Even Years Oregon Healthy Teen Survey 2009 through 2015 - Odd years Oregon Student Wellness Survey by County 2014 vs 2016 Exhibit I: Bully, race, sexual attention, lgbt, appearance, friends Oregon Student Wellness Survey by County 2014 vs 2016 Exhibit II: Other, technology, sad, consider, attempt, doctor Oregon Healhy Teen Survey by County 2013 vs 2015 Exhibit I: Bully, race, sexual attention, lgbt, appearance, friends Oregon Healhy Teen Survey by County 2013 vs 2015 Exhibit II: Other, technology, sad, consider, attempt, doctor -------------------------------- Invalid surveys These sureys show trends by combining the odd and even year surveys. Howeveer, because of different methodologies, this cannot be done. They do provide an interesting perspective, however. How Curry County Ranked - Oregon Healthy Teen/Student Wellnes Surveys - 2015 vs 2016 How Curry County Ranked - Oregon Healthy Teen/Student Wellnes Surveys - 2014 vs 2015 Oregon Healthy Teen Survey/Wellness Surveys 2010 through 2015 - Combined odd and even years Combined Oregon Student Wellness Survey by County 2015 vs 2016 Exhibit I: Bully, race, sexual attention, lgbt, appearance, friends Oregon Student Wellness Survey by County 2015 vs 2016 Exhibit II: Other, technology, sad, consider, attempt, doctor Pride Surveys Questionnaire for Grades 6 thru 12 Standard Report: 2015-16 Pride National Summary 204 page PDF November 04, 2016