Bully Resources
If you need more help than you're finding on this site, please reach out to the following organizations:
PACER's National
Bullying Prevention Center PACER
Teens Against Bullying:
Kids Against Bullying:
The Trevor
Project Suicide
Prevention Resources:
GLSEN: The Bully Project Ten
Ways To Be An Upstander:
Academic Books on
related subjects Preventing Bullying Through Science, Policy, and Practice (2016) $79.00 Read Online, Download PDF National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; Committee on Law and Justice; Committee on the Biological and Psychosocial Effects of Peer Victimization: Lessons for Bullying Prevention; Frederick Rivara and Suzanne Le Menestrel, Editors www.nap.edu/search/?term=10.17226%2F23482 Related books: Preventing Bullying Through Science, Policy, and Practice (2016) $79.00 Read Online, Download PDF The following titles are likely to be of interest to you. The top keyword and keyphrase weights from this report have been compared with the equivalent lists of words and phrases for all other available NAP publications. Building Capacity to Reduce Bullying: Workshop Summary (2014) $39.95 National Research Council; Institute of Medicine; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; Committee on Law and Justice; Patti Simon and Steve Olson, Rapporteurs Behavioral and Social Sciences Bullying - long tolerated as just a part of growing up - finally has been recognized as a substantial and preventable health problem. Bullying is associated with anxiety, depression, poor school performance, and future delinquent behavior among its targets, and reports regularly surface of youth who have committed suicide at least in part because of intolerable bullying. Bullying also can have harmful effects on children who bully, on bystanders, on school climates, and on society at large. Bullying can occur at all ages, from before elementary. (more) Deadly Lessons: Understanding Lethal School Violence (2003) $39.95 National Research Council; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; Committee on Law and Justice; Board on Children, Youth and Families; Mark H. Moore, Carol V. Petrie, Anthony A. Braga, and Brenda L. McLaughlin, Editors Behavioral and Social Sciences | Health and Medicine The shooting at Columbine High School riveted national attention on violence in the nation s schools. This dramatic example signaled an implicit and growing fear that these events would continue to occur and even escalate in scale and severity. How do we make sense of the tragedy of a school shooting or even draw objective conclusions from these incidents? Deadly Lessons is the outcome of the National Research... [more] Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School (2013) $59.00 Institute of Medicine; Food and Nutrition Board; Committee on Physical Activity and Physical Education in the School Environment; Harold W. Kohl III and Heather D. Cook, Editors Education | Health and Medicine Physical inactivity is a key determinant of health across the lifespan. A lack of activity increases the risk of heart disease, colon and breast cancer, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, osteoporosis, anxiety and depression and others diseases. Emerging literature has suggested that in terms of mortality, the global population health burden of physical inactivity approaches that of cigarette smoking. The prevalence and substantial disease risk associated with physical inactivity has been described as a pandemic. The prevalence, health... [more] Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States (2013) $79.95 National Research Council; Institute of Medicine; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; Committee on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States; Committee on Law and Justice; Ellen Wright Clayton, Richard D. Krugman, and Patti Simon, Editors Behavioral and Social Sciences Every day in the United States, children and adolescents are victims of commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. Despite the serious and long-term consequences for victims as well as their families, communities, and society, efforts to prevent, identify, and respond to these crimes are largely under supported, inefficient, uncoordinated, and unevaluated. Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States examines commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of U.S. citizens and... [more] Preventing Violence Against Women and Children: Workshop Summary (2011) $54.00 Institute of Medicine; Board on Global Health; Forum on Global Violence Prevention; Deepali M. Patel, Rapporteur Health and Medicine Violence against women and children is a serious public health concern, with costs at multiple levels of society. Although violence is a threat to everyone, women and children are particularly susceptible to victimization because they often have fewer rights or lack appropriate means of protection. In some societies certain types of violence are deemed socially or legally acceptable, thereby contributing further to the risk to women and children. In the past decade research has documented the growing magnitude of such violence, but gaps... [more] New Directions in Child Abuse and Neglect Research (2014) $74.95 National Research Council; Institute of Medicine; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; Committee on Law and Justice; Committee on Child Maltreatment Research, Policy, and Practice for the Next Decade: Phase II; Anne C. Petersen, Joshua Joseph, and Monica Feit, Editors Behavioral and Social Sciences | Health and Medicine Each year, child protective services receive reports of child abuse and neglect involving six million children, and many more go unreported. The long-term human and fiscal consequences of child abuse and neglect are not relegated to the victims themselves -- they also impact their families, future relationships, and society. In 1993, the National Research Council (NRC) issued the report, Under-standing Child Abuse and Neglect, which provided an overview of the research on child abuse and neglect. New Directions in Child Abuse and Neglect... [more] Building Capacity to Reduce Bullying: Workshop in Brief (2014) Free pdf or read online National Research Council; Institute of Medicine; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; Committee on Law and Justice; Steve Olson, Rapporteur Behavioral and Social Sciences On April 9-10, 2014, the Board on Children, Youth, and Families of the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council held a 2-day workshop titled "Building Capacity to Reduce Bullying and Its Impact on Youth Across the Lifecourse." The purpose of this workshop was to bring together representatives of key sectors involved in bullying prevention to identify the conceptual models and interventions that have proved effective in decreasing bullying, to examine models that could increase protective factors and mitigate the negative effects... [more] Contagion of Violence: Workshop Summary (2013) $45.00 National Research Council; Institute of Medicine; Board on Global Health; Forum on Global Violence Prevention; Deepali M. Patel, Melissa A. Simon, and Rachel M. Taylor, Rapporteurs Parenting Matters: Supporting Parents of Children Ages 0-8 (2016) $83.00 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; Committee on Supporting the Parents of Young Children Behavioral and Social Sciences Decades of research have demonstrated that the parent-child dyad and the environment of the familywhich includes all primary caregiversare at the foundation of childrens well- being and healthy development. From birth, children are learning and rely on parents and the other caregivers in their lives to protect and care for them. The impact of parents may never be greater than during the earliest years of life, when a childs brain is rapidly developing and when nearly all of her or his experiences are created and shaped by parents and the... [more] The Science of Adolescent Risk-Taking: Workshop Report (2011)$35.00 National Research Council; Institute of Medicine; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; Committee on the Science of Adolescence