There are undoubtedly numerous non-monetary benefits to a good education (both personal and social). However, in purely monetary terms the answer has to be "quite a lot." In 2001 the median income for men with professional degrees was $78,861 per year greater than that for men who never entered high school. Men who finished their schooling after earning a BA made on average $20,071 per year more than men with only a high school diploma.
While the comparative numbers aren't in, what we do know is that generally the first jobs to get cut and the last to start up again are in the lower income brackets. There is less leeway in this category since the amount of disposable income for items other than food, clothing and shelter is substantially less. Therefore, foreclosures and bankruptcies hit this group especially hard.
According to the March, 2007 report from the U.S. Census Bureau, adults aged 18 and older earned the following:Without a High School Diploma - $19,915
GED certificate holders had lower earnings than those who earned a regular high school diploma regardless of sex, race and ethnicity or age. Overall, high school diploma holders earned approximately $4,700 in mean monthly earnings compared with GED certificate holders, who earned $3,100.
This "Stay in School" program is designed to introduce incoming high school students to the value of an education.
Is it worth a one-time cost of twenty-five cents per student to give them something that can remind them that it may be worth an extra Million if they stay in high-school and graduate? Order now: Twenty-five cents (25) each plus shipping for quantities under 100. Want more than 100? Contact us with the quantity and the zip code where it is to be shipped and we will send you an estimate. Make checks payable to Gordon Clay and send to PO Box 12, Brookings, OR 97415. Allow at least two weeks after we receive your payment. |