Secrets No More
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easily triggered. If you think you might be triggered and need support, click here before you start the first video and copy down the phone numbers, chat lines or text message numbers that you would feel most comfortable contacting. Remember, suicide is preventable. It is not chosen. It is momentary. It happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain. You're not a bad, o crazy, or weak, or flawed person if you feel suicidal. It doesn't mean that you really want to die. Know that contacting someone isn't a sign of weakness. It shows real strength to ask for help. Share Your Story of Hope Stories unite those touched by suicide and offer hope to others. Do your part to create change: share your familys story of struggle and healing. Secrets No More is a process that one or more people can do together and, if a group, can be an ongoing time to gather in a private place to answer the question "R U OK?" and take an opportunity to talk about what's going on in your life, difficulties, triumphs, ask for help, offer to help someone else. A place to start is to print out this Survey Form. When you can commit a minimum of a half an hour up to as much as three and a half hours, at your earliest convenience, that could possibly save a friends life, follow this process. Find a place where you won't be interrupted by others, the phone, text messages, etc. Preferably a quiet place. The Process Have you every seriously considered suicide? Have you ever actually attempted suicide? Have you lost someone important to you to suicide? Do you know someone who has attempted suicide? Can you think of anyone you know who might be considering suicide? Note on the Survey Form the feelings as they come up.
Post Survey Process We ask that you send a copy of your completed survey, with your age, gender, age that you may have seriously considered suicide, age if you actually attempted and by what means, National
Strategy for Suicide Prevention 2012: How You Can Play a
Role in Preventing Suicide