988 Suicide
Prevention Crisis Phone and Text Lines Go Nationn Wide Today
Editor's note: The
implementation of 988 over the first nine months has been
difficult for much of rural America. (1) Congress left full
funding up to the States, (2) Rural and Remote counties
lacked infrastructure: (No ICU Safe beds in the
county, limited Behavioral Health practitioners, no Crisis
Response team, limited Behavioral Health and often medical
health services in county schools); (3) Few if any
trained Crisis line counselors except possibly 911 dispatch,
and little or no experience with crisis text lines, the
method most youth use today during crisis, and lack of
knowledge of emojis they often use when describing the level
of crisis they are in; and (4) crisis line counselors
not understanding appropriate protocol when working with
LGBTQ2AI+ youth who haven't come out to their parents
or guardians.
Please visit https://bit.ly/2BFZC6j to remain better
informed. - Editor, Gordon Clay
Serious about dieing
by suicide? Call 911
Go to the emergency room at a local hospital
Important: Calling
911 And Talking With Police
Someone Spying On Your Cell Phone?
suicidal thoughts? Watch
this video..
Download the MY3
App 888-628-9454
to expect when you call a support line
Want to
Active Minds Text "BRAVE"
to 741741
AgriStress Hellpline for Oregon - 833-897-2474
American Foundation
for Suicide Prevention Text "TALK
" to 741741
Crisis Text Line
Text "SOS" to
Crisis Text Line
Text "CONNECT'" to
Crisis Text Line
Ireland: Text
"HELLO" to
Crisis Text Line
Text "SHOUT" to
Crisis Text
Line: US texto con la palabra "AYUDA" to
Crisis Text Line: US For those who are
experiencing the trauma of racism text "Indigenous"
to 741741
Crisis Text Line
text "Native" to 741741
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Text "TalkWithUs"
to 66746
Disaster Distress
Helpline (Natural or human caused) -
TalkWithUs to
First Call for
Help Text "your
zip code" to 898221
Lines for Life
Text 4-10pm daily "teen2teen"
to 839863
National Alliance
on Mental Illness Text "NAMI
" to 741741
National Suicide
Text Line
- Text 988
then press 1 for
veterans. While texts or chats are in English only,
there are over 250 languages available via a translation
service if you call
farmers, farm workers, ranchers, fisherman, foresters, and
their families - text - 833-987-2474
Spanish Speakers Text "Hablanos"
to 66746
(LGBTQ) Text "START" to
Crisis Line
Text 838255
Text "SOS" to
Want to talk?
Call a hotline in an emergency and a warm
line if you just need someone to vent or someone to
bounce a problem off of. The National
Alliance on Mental Illness
(NAMI) and Mental
Health America
offer a list of warm lines for people in
800.273.TALK (8255)
or TDD 800.448.1833
AIDS Crisis
Line: 800-221-7044
AgriStress Hellpline
for Oregon - 833-897-2474
Association of Poison Control
staffed by Black, Indigenous and People of Color
counselors M-F 8:30a-5p.
Town National Hotline
California Youth
Crisis Line -
for Law Enforcement 800-267-5463
Curry County
Crisis Line - 877-519-9322
Disaster Distress
Helpline (Natural or human caused) -
Family Violence
Helpline: 1-800-996-6228
GLBT National Help
Center Hotline:
talkline: 800-246-7743
LGBT National
Hotline 888-843-4564
LGBT National
Youth Talkline 800-246-7743
LGBT National
Senior Hotline 888-234-7243
Crisis Chat
(Online live
National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependency Hope
Line: 800-622-2255
National Crisis
Helpline 800.273.TALK
(8255) or TDD
TTY & Chat 800-799-4889
National Crisis
Line - Anorexia and Bulimia: 800-233-4357
Nacional de
Prevención del Suicidio 888-628-9454
Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE (7233)
Hopeline Network:
Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
Naional Suicide
Phone Line
- Call 988
then press 1 for
veterans, 2 for Spanish speaking, and 3 for LGBTQ2IA+ people
under 25 There are
over 250 languages available via a translation service.
farmers, farm workers, ranchers, fisherman, foresters, and
their families - 833-987-2474
Behavioral Health Support Line
Crisis Lines by County

Planned Parenthood
Hotline: 800-230-PLAN
Self-Harm Hotline:
Substance Abuse
Helpline - 800.923.4357
Prevention Wiki
Lifeline -
English/Spanish/Family & Friends too -7a-1am pst -
Crisis Hotline:
Crisis Line:
800-273-8255 press
1; TTY 800-799-4889 or
or Text
"SOS" to 838255
Youthline (peer)
for Oregon Teens 4-10pm (PST) Daily - 877.968.8491
* Calling
911 and Talking With Police
Emergency Numbers
of Suicide Crisis Lines - Wikipedia
* * *
A service in
Australia for Australian Men Only
Mensline at https://bit.ly/3Zm1NBv
Web site
En Espanol 
Hard of Hearing




For other
Suicide Hotines

Suicide Prevention Resource Directory

Suicide Crisis Lines Worldwide

Emergency Preparedness Supplies

TED Talks - Crisis Next Line - Must
Now a word from

A Major Shift, CPR
Technique Simplified
Call 911 first, then do this simplified technique
without the breath
It is important that if you feel you
need help or someone to talk to - reach out. We cannot give
advice nor clinical guidance on this site. However, you can
click here
to find information on other sites and organizations that
offer help or simply dial 1.877.495.0009.
If you are in crisis, 1st call
911 while you're looking in the front of your local yellow
pages the local suicide prevention hotline or crisis center
or try your local Gay & Lesbian Center, which
usually offers referrals for counseling, domestic violence
and suicide prevention.. If you can't get through to any of
those, try one of the crisis line below. Also, visit
which contains conversations and writings for suicidal
persons to read, gay youth suicide at www.sws.soton.ac.uk/gay-youth-suicide
youth: suicide at www.virtualcity.com/youthsuicide
If you're feeling at all suicidal, be sure to
this page. It might just save
your life.
A Major Shift, CPR
Technique Simplified:
Call 911 first, then do this simplified technique
without the breath
Supply List (FEMA)
Food Pack
Room Visits
- AIDS Hotlines:
US Public Health Service - 24-hours
800.342.2437. Spanish speaking: 24-hours
800.344.7332. Hearing impaired: 24-hours
- Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Hotline 800-ALCOHOL
- Alexa: In case of
emergency, don't call through Alexa or Google's
Assistant. As of 7/19/17, the digital voice assistants
can make appointments, call friends or launch apps but
they are lacking the ability to call 911
- American Academy of
Pediatrics - Poison prevention tips and other health
and safety information for infants, children, adolescents
and young adults. www.aap.org/family/poisonwk.htm

- American Association of Poison
Control Centers - Poison prevention (www.aapcc.org
or 202.362.7217) and local poison control center
information. A 24/7 poison hotline (800.222.1222)
provides nationwide access to free, confidential poison
emergency advice. All calls to the hotline are connected
to nurses, pharmacists, and doctors at the closest poison
center. or

- American
Association of Suicidology
National Suicide Hotline - 24-hours
800.SUICIDE (784.2433) The AAS
website contains material of interest to everyone on the
suicide-related spectrum: professionals, survivors,
crisis workers, employers, friends and loved ones, and
suicidal people themselves. Geared more toward research
and statistics than some sites, it still has material
accessible to everyone. Especially valuable is the
information on postvention (what to do after a suicide),
suicide loss survivor groups, and warning signs for
- American Council for Drug
Education, regarding inhalants - 800.488.DRUG
- American
Foundation for Suicide
Prevention is a
non-profit organization exclusively dedicated to
understanding and preventing suicide through research,
education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people
with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide."
Like the AAS site (above), this site offers information
for everyone affected, in any way, by suicide. It also
has much information about research findings, and
contains a rich section on advocacy efforts and
opportunities in the field of suicide
- American Psychological
Association Public Education Line. This is a
toll-free call, and the number has a live operator
answering 24 hours a day, seven days a week (if you press
"10"). After an initial discussion, they will connect you
to the American Psychological Association chapter in your
state, who will give you a local referral to
PSYCHOLOGISTS ONLY. Most state APA chapters keep normal
business hours. 800.964.2000 or www.helping.apa.org

- American Psychiatric
Association Answer Center. Contacting this number is
a toll call, and live operators are only available from
8:30am to 6:00pm EST. Otherwise it's somewhat similar to
the 1-800 line discussed immediately before. The operator
will refer you to the American Psychiatric Association
chapter in your state, but you are required to hang up
and dial that number; they cannot automatically connect
you. The state chapters, which are open during normal
business hours, can refer you to Psychiatrists Only.
202.682.6000 or www.psych.org

- APhA Academy of Students of
Pharmacy, University of Michigan - Poison prevention
information for parents and kids. For Kids section is
very colorful and includes interactive materials.
or www.ipl.org/youth/poisonsafe/index.html

- Attempt
- Coping with the deep hurt after surviving a suicide
attempt and finding hope is possible. The Lifeline is
available for support, 24/7. 800-273-TALK (8255)
En Espanol
Lifeline ofrece 24/7, gratuito servicios en
español, no es necesario hablar ingles si usted
necesita ayuda. 888.628.9454 or
TTY 800-799-4889
- Boys
Town National Crisis Line
- 24 hours a day, every day: the only national crisis
line that children and parents can call with any problem,
any time. Hotline offers immediate help 24/7. Staffed by
Boys Town counselors. Help for both teens and parents.
Communication can also be via e-mail or online chat.
800-448-3000 or for TDD call 800.448.1833
- California Missing Children
- 800.222.3463
- California Poison Control,
or their 24-hour
crisis line at
800-8POISON (76-4766)
- CDC Childhood Lead Poisoning
Prevention Program www.cdc.gov/nceh./programs/lead/about/about.htm

- CDC Information on Lead
Poisoning in Children for Parents www.cdc.gov/nceh/programs/lead/faq/cdc97a.htm

- Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, www.cdc.gov

- Child Find/A Way Out -
- Child Find of Am, PO Box
277, New Platz, NY 12561 800.426.5678
- Childhelp USA's National Child
Abuse Hotline - 800.422.4453
- Children of the Night,
Short term crisis - 800.551.1300
- Children's Rights of America
Youth Crisis Hotline - 800.442.4673
- Cocaine Helpline -
- Consumer Product Safety
Commission - Important consumer product safety
information. Notify about products, cribs, children's
toys that are dangerous or easily broken. 800.638.CPSC or

- Contact Literacy Center
National Literacy Hotline - 800.228.8813
- Copline
National Law
Enforcement Officer's Hotline. Peer supported.
They are not mandatory
reporters so they are 100%
confidential. They will not contact 911 unless asked by
you to do so, as I understand the service. You can get
the help you need without threatening to loose your
job/profession. 800-COPLINE or
- Cornell
Research Program on Self-Injury and
on Self-Harm or call self-harm, 800-DONT-CUT
- Counseling On-Line:
24-Hour confidential e-mail service by the Samaritans)
Also, kidshelp.sympatico.ca
A service for young people - also addresses issues
other than suicide.
- Covenant
House Nineline,
24 hour crisis
800.999.9999 (800.999.9915 TTY),
is a national crisis hotline for youth
under-21 and
their families. Since 1987, our crisis workers have
provided timely, and sometimes lifesaving, intervention
for those in need. Our referral database of more than
26,000 agencies allows us to connect those in need with
the local agencies best equipped to help them. In the
past year our workers answered over 61,000 crisis calls
and provided more than 11,000 referrals. Our website
provides educational pieces addressing youth issues for
kids and people who want to help kids www.covenanthouse.org/nineline
or Nineline@covenanthouse.org
- Crisis for the Physically
& Mentally Challenged - 800.426.4263
(Regional-not sure what region.)
- Crisis
Text Hotline 741741,
is the only nationwide crisis-intervention text-message
hotline 24-hour,
toll-free suicide prevention service available through
Text Messaging to anyone in suicidal crisis, especially
those under 25 in crisis. Those in need of help can Text
SOS to 741741. They are routed to the closest possible
crisis center to provide immediate assistance to anyone
seeking mental health services. The crisis counselor
helps the texter move from a hot moment to a cool calm to
stay safe and healthy using effective active listening
and suggested referrals all through text message
using CTLs secure platform. The text is free
(depending on your text plan) and confidential. People
are encouraged to call for yourself, or someone you care
about. Excellent for ASL, Deaf and Hard of Hearing
individuals. 19 West 21st St. 8th Floor, New York, NY
10010 (2/22)
- Deaf,
Hard of Hearing
- Our network of crisis centers offers many services for
people who are deaf and hard of hearing, including
- Disaster
The road to emotional recovery after a natural or
human-caused disaster can be long, but youre not
- Eden Children and Family
Services, inhalants - 612.338.2158
- Family Violence Helpline:
- Florida - First Call For Help
954.467.6333 24
- Food and Drug
Administration - Information on food, medication, and
other consumer products. www.fda.gov

- Gay Youth
Suicide -

- GLBT National Help
Center Hotline: 888-843-4564; Youth
talkline: 800-246-7743
- Grief Recorvery Helpline -
6a-9p PST - 800.445.4808
- Homosexuals Anonymous -
- HopeLine
Christian-based chat and phone counseling. A specific
helpline is available for suicide prevention. Live chat
and forums available. Is a suicide prevention and crisis
intervention hotline that can be called or texted. They
operate by using active listening to support and reflect
through any kind of crisis, even if not suicide related.
While they are based in Raleigh, NC, they serve the
entire nation.
- Incest Survivors -
- The
International Suicide Prevention
Wiki is an open source
worldwide directory of suicide prevention hotlines,
online chat, text-lines, and resources. This resource was
created and is maintained by PostSecret Community
volunteers. Source:

- The International Suicide
Prevention Week is an open source worldwide directory
of suicide prevention hotlines, online chat, text-lines,
and resources. This resource was created and is
maintained by PostSecret Community

- IYG - peer counseling
for gay, lesbian & bisexual youth -
- Kidshelp: kidshelp.sympatico.ca
- a service for young people which also addresses issues
in addition to suicide.
- Knowledge Exchange Network
(KEN). This is a toll-free call -- and can also be
accessed by dialing 1-877-495-0009. Live operators are
available from 8:30am to 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time
(EST). The operator will first ask you if you've tried to
obtain help through your private health insurance plan.
However, this number also provides referral to public
mental health clinics near your home; you'll have to hang
up and re-dial to the local number they give you. The KEN
line is run by the Federal Government's Center for Mental
Health Services (CMHS). 800.789.2647 or www.mentalhealth.org

feelings and mental health struggles can affect more
LGBTQ+ people than straight/cis people. Find resources
for yourself and to help support a loved one that may be
- Lifeline
Crisis Chat The
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline also has chat
available, 24 hours a day. To use the service, go to
- Lines
for Life Oregon
Alcohol & Drug helpline
800-923-HELP (4357), Militay Helpline 888-457-4838
or Text "MIL1" to 839863. Youthline 877-968-8491 pt
Text teen2tee#839968 or Text "teen2teen" to
- Loss
If you have lost a loved one to suicide, you are not
alone. There are resources available to help survivors of
suicide loss cope.
- Louisiana - Our House -
888.442.TEEN or 318.343.TEEN 24
hours a day help, sucide,
information for Region VIII includes Monroe, West Monroe,
Calhoun www.teen-help.com/
- LoveIsRespect
For teens in an abusive relationship and those concerned
about them. The website includes quizzes to help gauge a
relationship and other useful resources. Available 24/7
via phone, text and chat.
- Maine HIV/AIDS Maine Teen
Hotline800.851.2437 Wednesdays from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Free call in Maine
- Mental Health Crisis Line-
- Metanoia - Contains
conversations and writings for suicidal persons to read.
If you're feeling at all suicidal, be sure to read this
page before you take any action. It might just save your
life. www.metanoia.org/suicide

- National Alcohol
& Drug Abuse Hotline -
- National AIDS Hotline
- English - 800.342.2473; Spanish -
- National Center for Missing
& Exploited Children - 24-hour hotline at
800.843.5678 and see Missing

- National Child Abuse
Hotline - 800.422.4453
- National Child Pornography
Tipline and CyberTipline - Handles calls
fromindividuals reporting the sexual exploitation of
children through the production and distribution of
pornography. 800.843.5678 or www.cybertipline.com

- National Clearinghouse for
Alcohol and Drug Information, inhalants -
800.729.6686 www.health.org

- National Council on Alcoholism
& Drug Dependency Hope Line:
- National Council on Child Abuse
& Family Violence - 800.222.2000
- National Crisis Helpline -
for use in locating the nearest crisis service in the
United States - 800.999.9999
- National Crisis Line - Anorexia
and Bulimia: 1-800-233-4357
- National Domestic Violence
Hotline: 1- 800-799-7233
- National Drug and Alcohol
Treatment Referral Routing Service, inhalants -
- National
Eating Disorders Association
(NEDA) Phone calls answered 9-5 EST, leave a message
when closed. Available via chat as well. The website
includes many helpful resources and toolkits. Eating
disorder support groups are available
- National Hopeline Network,
The Hope Line connects people in immediate distress
to a Crisis Center. Calls are answered by certified
counselors 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When the
system is fully operational, your call should be routed
to a center nearest your home. A trained counselor should
answer within two or three rings, or about 20 to 30
seconds, from the moment you dial 800.SUICIDE
(800-784-2433) or www.hopeline.org

- National Human Trafficking
hotline: 1-888-373-7888
- National Inhalant Prevention
Coalition, inhalants - 800.269.4237 www.inhalants.org

- National Lead Information
Center - Environmental lead poisoning and prevention
information. www.nsc.org/ehc/lead.htm

- National Life Center
Hotline/Pregnancy Hotline - 800.848.5683
- National Network of Runaway
& Youth Services. Networks with youth shelters
and other community based groups. 1319 F St NW #401,
Washington, DC 20004 202.783.7949
- National Resource Center on
Child Sexual Abuse - 800.KIDS.006
- National Runaway
Switchboard operates a confidential hotline for
runaway youth, teens in crisis, and concerned friends and
family members. All services are free and available 24
hours every day. and include: Crisis Intervention,
Message relay between runaways and their parent/legal
guardian, Referrals and conference to community-based
resources such as counseling, support groups, alternative
housing, and health care, Home Free program in
partnership with Greyhound Buslines, Inc. to help
runaways return home to their families, Education and
outreach services, Free NRS promotional materials for
distribution at community events, school assemblies, and
health fairs. 24
hr Crisis 800.621.4000
or www.nrscrisisline.org
- National Sexual Assault
Hotline - 800-656-HOPE (4673) (9/15)
- National
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Directs the caller to skilled counselors in your
local area. Works with people struggling with many issues
beyond suicide and of all ages. Website available
for young adults. Available
24/7 via phone or live chat. A 24-hour,
toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone
in suicidal crisis. Those in need of help can call
1-800-273-TALK (8255). Callers are routed to the closest
possible crisis center in their area. With over 120
crisis centers across the country, our mission is to
provide immediate assistance to anyone seeking mental
health services. The call is free and confidential.
People are encouraged to call for yourself, or someone
they care about. The Lifeline is funded by SAMHSA, and
operated by Link2Health Solutions, Inc a private
non-profit agency.
Careful. We can't confirm or deny the facts stated in
this video and yet we tend to believe the information
presented. So, if I were considering suicide, I would
call first.
- National Victim Center
Infolink - M-F 8:30a-5:30p -
- National Youth Crisis
Hotline CA - crisis for runaways & parents needing
immediate assistance - 800.448.4663
- Native
American Alaskan Native
website page that provides a variety of resources for
communities and organizations.
- Native
- Depression and suicide affect people of all ages and
populations, but Native American and Alaskan Native
populations can be at a higher risk. If youre
struggling, the Lifeline is available to help,
- Native Youth Crisis Hotline
(877) 209-1266
- National
Runaway Switchboard
'Crisis intervention
to work through problems and find a plan of action.' Work
with both teens and parents to prevent and deal with
running away. Available by phone or live chat 24/7.
E-mail and forums are also available.
- New Hampshire Headrest
Teenline 800.639.6095 24
hours Free call from anywhere
in New Hampshire and Vermont
- 911 is the national
emergency number in the United States
- Oklahoma TEENLINE
800.522.8336 Hours: noon to midnight This number is
available throughout the US
- On Line Counseling is
available at the following addresses and sites:
Samaritans www.befrienders.org/email.html
(A 24-Hour
confidential e-mail service) and kidshelp.sympatico.ca
a service for young people which also addresses issues in
addition to suicide. Talk to a therapist online - this is
a list of over 200 psychotherapists and other
professionally trained counselors who will interact with
you via the Internet. Some can respond within 24-36
hours. Most charge a small fee but can be worth it. Be
sure to read the background information.
- Online Suicide Help
Wiki. This site contains
lists with dozens of sites, where a suicidal individual
can discuss their problems via instant messaging, chat
rooms, email, text, and online support groups. The site
is ideal for someone who does not want to talk with
someone on the phone about their suicidal thoughts. It
offers healthy options for receiving help. (I say
healthy, because unfortunately danger lurks
on many Internet sites, where pro-suicide
folks actually encourage suicide.)
- Other
suicide crisis organizations
- Out Youth LGBATQQI Helpline
- 800.969.6884
- Partnership for Drug-Free
Kids. https://drugfree.org
We have trained and caring masters-level counselors
ready to help any parent struggling with a childs
drug or alcohol use. They are here to listen, help you
find answers and make an action plan. Call the Helpline
855-378-4373, connect via live chat or email
us to get help. All communications are free and
confidential. Available Monday-Friday, 9am 5pm ET.
English and Spanish.
- Planned Parenthood Hotline:
1-800-230-PLAN (7526)
- Poison Control Center -
California - 24 hour crisis line -
800.8POISON (76-4766) or www.calpoison.org
- Rape,
Abuse and Incest National
Network (RAINN) Online
hotline 'provides live, secure, anonymous crisis support
for victims of sexual violence, their friends and
families.' 24/7 communication directly with trained
crisis support volunteers. La
Línea de Ayuda Nacional Online de Asalto
- Samaritans
or www.befrienders.org/email.html
confidential e-mail service. The Samaritans - trained
volunteers are available 24 hours a day to listen and
provide emotional support to anyone in distress or at
risk of suicide throughout the United States. You can
call a volunteer on the phone. You can also email. Note
that the Samaritans
international website states
that people who send an email typically receive a
response within 12 hours. The site also notes that names
are immediately removed from emails, and emails are
deleted after 30 days. Confidential and
- San Francisco Night Ministry
provides free confidential telephone counseling between
10 p.m and 4 a.m. Pacific Standard Time to anyone from
any locality.
- Self-Harm Hotline call
800-DONT-CUT or visit the Cornell
Research Program on Self-Injury and
- Sexual Addiction Access
Helpline - Phildelphia - 800.362.2644
- South Carolina TeenLine
800.922.2283 (1-800-366-8288) Hours: Weekday evenings.
Free call from Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester
counties www.awod.com/hotline/teenline.html

- Suicide
Awareness Voices of Education
(SAVE) At the SAVE
site, you can find an array of information for both
professionals and the lay public, including a depression
symptom checklist, online resources, reading lists, and
- Suicide - Native American Youth
- Flying with Eagles. Were to go for help: talk
to an elder, a spiritual leader, a community leader, a
counselor, a teaecher, a parent. Where to Get
- Suicide Prevention Crisis
Lines - Call 911
- Suicide
Prevention Resource Center This
is the go-to site for all sorts of information on suicide
and its prevention. Especially useful to practitioners is
its Best Practices Registry, which provides a list and
descriptions of evidence-based practices in suicide
prevention and intervention.
- Teen
Line 'Teens
helping teens - connect, talk, chat, get help.' Teen and
adult volunteers available to help. Communication through
direct calling, text, email or message board.
Talk App: Download the
free iPhone app to vent, share and geet support from a
trained teen!
- Texas Youth Hotline
800.210.2278 24
hours a dayFree call from
anywhere in Texas www.tdprs.state.tx.us/Prevention_&_Early_Intervention/Helping_Youth_&_Families/youth.asp

- 1-800-THERAPIST. This is a
toll-free number, and it's a free referral service. It
appears you can only talk to a "referral resource
counselor" during normal business hours. The advantage to
using this service is that after an initial telephone
evaluation, they can refer you to the full range of
mental clinicians including a psychiatrist, psychologist,
marriage or family therapist, clinical social worker,
licensed professional counselor, or psychiatric nurse.
800.843.7274 or www.1-800-THERAPIST.com

- Trans
Lifeline is an American
organization that provides crisis intervention and
suicide prevention services to transgender and non-binary
individuals. Trans Lifeline offers service throughout the
United States and Canada.
- Trevor
Project - is an
organization that provides 24-hour
crisis hotline services to lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender and young people who are confused about their
sexuality. It tries to prevent personal crisis and
suicide. It is available everywhere in the country. Call
before you fall: The Trevor Project, a
nonprofit organization named for the short film about a
13-year-old boy who attempts suicide because of his
sexuality, has established a national toll free,
suicide prevention hotline for
gay youths. 866-488-7386
and provides instant-messaging
chat on Mondays and Fridays, from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. EST
Project Lifeline Chat The
Trevor Project, which reaches out to LGBT youth, provides
instant-messaging chat on Mondays and Fridays, from 4
p.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern standard time. This site offers
information geared toward suicide prevention in lesbian,
gay, bisexual, and transgender youth. Educators, parents,
mental health professionals, and youth themselves can
find meaningful help here. In particular, the site offers
extensive resources to youth; see the section above,
For Immediate Help with Suicidal
- U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission, inhalants - www.cpsc.gov

- Vermont Headrest Teenline
800.639.6095 24
- Veterans
Crisis Line
is a suicide-prevention hotline available to United
States military people (both active-duty and veterans),
in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. The service is
confidential, free and open 24 hours. For veterans,
crises can be heightened by their experiences during
military service. If youre a veteran or service
member and in crisis, these resources can help.
800-273-8255 then press 1. TTY 800-799-4889. Text
SOS to 838255, the veterans crisis text line. Combat
veterans 24/7 talk line, not crisis
- Victims of Crime Resource
Center - 800.627.6872
- Web Sites - For Gay Youth -
For Youth: www.virtualcity.com/youthsuicide

- Youth
- Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young
people between 10 to 24. Sometimes your struggle can be
underestimated because of your age. But we hear you, and
help is available.
- Youth
Suicide -

What to expect
when you call/chat/text a crisis line
If this is your first time calling a support line for
help, you may have questions. Someone will be there to
listen and support you.
What happens?
- The person will ask your name and
how they can help
- They may ask for other personal
information to help you but youre never required to
- They will keep what you say
- They will listen to you with
- They will not judge you or tell
you what to do
- They may give you ideas about
where to find more help or how you can find a
The crisis line will not share your
information unless there are signs of abuse, neglect, or
they are worried about harm to yourself or others. Please go
to the organizations website to learn more about their
privacy policies.
Calling 911 And
Talking With Police
If a situation escalates into a crisis, you may have to
call the police. Thankfully, there are a few things you can
do to keep the situation as calm as possible.
On The Phone
Share all the information you can with
your 911 operator. Tell the dispatcher that your loved one
is having a mental health crisis and explain her mental
health history and/or diagnosis. If the police who arrive
aren't aware that a mental health crisis is occurring, they
cannot handle the situation appropriately. Many communities
have crisis intervention team (CIT) programs that train
police officers to handle and respond safely to psychiatric
crisis calls. Not every police officer is trained in a CIT
program, but you should ask for a CIT officer if
During A Crisis
Police are trained to maintain control
and ensure safety. If you are worried about a police officer
overreacting, the best way to ensure a safe outcome is to
stay calm. When an officer arrives at your home, say "this
is a mental health crisis." Mention you can share any
helpful information, then step out of the way. Yelling or
getting too close to the officer is likely to make him feel
out of control. You want the officer as calm as
Be aware that your loved one may be
placed in handcuffs and transported in the back of a police
car. This can be extremely upsetting to witness, so be
What Can The Police
- Transport a person who wants to
go to the hospital. A well-trained CIT officer can
often talk to a person who is upset, calm him down and
convince him to go to the hospital
- Take a person to a hospital for
an involuntary evaluation. In certain circumstances,
police can force a person in crisis to go to the hospital
involuntarily for a mental health evaluation. The laws
vary from state to state.
- Check on the welfare of your
family member if you are worried about her or can't
reach her. Call the non-emergency number for the police
department in your community and explain why you are
concerned. Ask them to conduct a welfare
If you have questions about the laws
in your state, talk to your local police department or
your local NAMI.
Source: www.nami.org/Find-Support/Family-Members-and-Caregivers/Calling-911-and-Talking-with-Police

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* * *
I take it that no man is educated who
has never dallied with the thought of suicide. - William
or https://bit.ly/2kdOogX