Council Business
Original SAP Council 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 Meeting
dates (Temporarily
on Hiatus) Council Vision | Mission | Core Values | Purpose | Role Task Group Goals | Strategies | Tactics Task Group Potential Members Actions
- Planned and/or taken Let's Talk Monthly Awareness Issue and Protocol Events
Calendar Important Data Mental
Health in America - Youth Ranking
Lay Person -
Open Lay Person -
Open Lay Person - Janece
Payne It's official. December 23, 2020, the Curry County Board of Commissioners filled the three open positions on the 9 member Curry County Suicide Awareness and Prevention Council. Here are the Council members for 2021:: Lay Person - Pat Piper -
Vice Chair 2020 Team - the Original Council City Government - Open If you know any of these people, thank
them for volunteering to take point on one of the
stakeholder task groups. Offer your emotional support, and
if appropriate, offer to assistant them in gathering
information, brain storming, project development, and
implementation. After all, it takes a village to reverse
suicidal ideation, so become part of the solution. See
Letter to
Council Applicants and
All of our meetings are public meetings where all citizens are welcome. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month starting at 5:30-7:30 pm. Video recordings of most mneeting appear on our Home Page at Future meetings: (All meetings will be hybred. Click here for directions.) 2024 Dates: Until further notice, the Council is on Hiatus. 2023 Dates: 1/5/23, 2/2, 3/2, 4/6, 5/4, 6/1, 7/6, 8/3, 9/7,10/5, 11/2,, 12/7, 1/4/24 1st Thursday of each month 2022 Dates: 1/5/22, 2/2, 3/3, 4/7, 5/5, 6/2,7/7, 8/4, 9/1, 10/6,11/3, 12/1, 1/5/23 1st Thursday of each month 2021 Dates: Odd months: Curry Public Library, 94341 3rd St, Gold Beach - 1st Wednesday of Odd Months Suicide Awareness and Prevention Council Positions The Application Letter was a request asking qualified Curry County applicants to apply for a position on the nine-person Suicide Awareness and Prevention Council of Curry County. The Council originally was looking for 17 people who are currently involved with one of the 14 categories of Curry County stakeholder groups, to apply for a position on the Suicide Awareness and Prevention Council of Curry County to share their intimate knowledge of how that group is impacted by suicide. Joining the others to determine what works, what can be done better and what areas still are problematic in preventing suicidal behaviors. Background During September 2019's Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month, eight newspapers in Del Norte County, California and Coos Bay and Curry Counties in Oregon, ran a 16-page, four color magazine called Suicide Awareness and Prevention: Finding Hope.(see at This campaign inspired the Curry County Board of Commissioners to establish a Suicide Awareness and Prevention Council. The Curry County Board of Commissioners passed Ordinance 19-12 which amends the Curry County Code to create a Suicide Awareness and Prevention Council. It was revised on December 16, 2020 to reduce the number of Council members from 17 to 9.members of agencies and societal segments that are impacted by, provide for and influence awareness, prevention and suicidal attempts. The Council will be made up of one member from each of these groups: Public Safety (Law enforcement; First responder (EMT or fire), Juvenile Programming); Mental (social worker, therapist, counselor or peer support specialist trained in suicidality) and Medical Health (doctor, nurse, hospital board member, or community care organization member): Youth educator; Substance abuse/recovery person; Veterans programming or service; Tribal community member; Youth ambassador; someone from Media plus one lay person who is not actively involved in any of the above groups. How to apply The application form can be found at 1. Put an X in the "Other" box and write "Suicide Council" and note which position you are applying for. 2. Fill out the application. In providing information regarding your qualifications, it would be valuable to include your lived experience with suicide or the impact of someone's suicide or attempt. 3. Fax the signed application to 541-247-2718 or email to and copy to me at for back up. I'll hand carry it up to make sure it gets there. 4. If you know someone who would be ideal for one of those positions, please pass this information on to them.